Friday, November 2, 2012

Client application multi-threaded rendering support

Our on-going integration effort in Unity3D prompted us to accelerate a feature we've been planning for a long time but didn't have the time to finish until now - support for client applications with a multi-threaded rendering architecture.

Although it is even now possible to incorporate Coherent UI in an application with multi-threaded rendering, it is inherently difficult because the rendering-related events must be performed in the thread that updates the system.

For the sake of simplicity I'll call the thread that performs the logic in the client app the 'update' thread and the one that renders the 'rendering' thread.

There were two major challenges we needed to beat in order to support a separate 'rendering' thread in the client - rendering resource management and draw callbacks.

When Coherent UI needs a rendering resource - usually a texture, it calls the appropriate callback provided by the user. This happens when a new View has to be created or a View gets re-sized. The API expected the result of the operation to be immediately available.

We changed it so that it now uses a 'SurfaceResponse' object that must be signaled with the result of the operation. This signaling can happen at any later time, so the resource could be created in a separate thread. This is analogous to the resource requests (usually file-reads or file-writes) we already support in the same manner.

All new surfaces are fetched while calling 'UISystem::FetchSurfaces' for buffered Views and 'View::FetchSurface' for on-demand Views. This results in calls to the 'ViewListener::OnDraw' callback provided by the user. Usually a copy is made of the received surface for rendering and up until now those methods had to be called in the 'update' thread. Now it is perfectly safe to call them from your 'rendering' thread. This not only allows for easy integration with multi-threaded rendering pipelines but could be used as a performance optimization, as it voids the need to make an eventual copy of the surface to be used later for rendering.

Note that the 'ViewListener::DestroySurface' could now be called from both the 'update' and the 'rendering' thread but Coherent UI has already relinquished any ownership on the surface when it calls the method so it's trivial to dispose it even when the callback happens in the 'update' thread.

The API changes will be available in the next version of Coherent UI.

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